Handsome Man

We Lost an Old One Today

No one really wants them,

The world seems to say.

You’re old, decrepit, faltering,

My God you’re in the way.

Their eyes may be dim with longing,

Of families long ago.

But their tails are slowly wagging

With love they still can show.

Their eyes have gentle wisdom,

And love that is profound.

A quiet, steadfast loving,

For people all around.

Their lives with you are shortened,

By years already lived.

But Old Ones love their families,

With all they have to give.

The world’s a little sadder,

With what we lost too soon,

An Old One from the Rescue,

Walked the Rainbow Bridge at noon.

RIP Handsome Man and all the Old Ones

(Carol Catlett foster Parent)

Shockingly – someone decided they could not keep their eight year old boy so they dropped him off at a local shelter. While so many of these beautiful babies don’t even make it to that age – this senior boy got tossed away in his golden years.