Is this breed for me?
The Dogue de Bordeaux (DDB) is an outstanding companion and guardian breed but ownership of a DDB carries much greater than
average legal and moral responsibilities. The information below is designed to make prospective DDB owners aware of the special
qualities possessed by this breed, both positive and negative, so they can make an accurate estimate of the breed’s suitability to
• Tremendously devoted and loyal dog to their owners and family
• DDB require affection and attention – known for “pawing” at their owners for a stroke down the back
• DDB are “people” dogs and need to live in a house and not be relegated to the backyard.
• Stubborn and willful – owners must establish themselves as master from an early stage
• Should not be inherently aggressive or vicious – with the rapid rise of irresponsible breeders, more dogs are being bred without attention to proper temperament
• With proper socialization and training DDB generally get along well with children – from an early age they must be taught what is acceptable behavior around a child; conversely, children should be taught what is acceptable behavior around a puppy/dog
• DDB are generally very tolerant of children – often the substitute for a sofa or pillow
• Due to their size, DDB should always be supervised around children – even a minor “bump” can cause serious injury
• Some DDB have high prey drive (the instinct to chase moving objects) and should not be left alone with children who naturally want to run and play
• When raised with other animals from puppyhood, problems should be minimal
• DDB can be dog aggressive – this may only manifest itself after the dog is fully mature
• Introducing a new animal to a home with an adult DDB should done slowly and with care
• Males tend to be less tolerant of other males than they are of females
• Their trainability and intelligence, the DDB can generally be trained to have manners around other animals when going for a walk on leash or to the vet’s office.
• Early obedience training is a MUST – owners must establish control of their DDB from the beginning
• The DDB is a sensitive breed who requires trust – a rough trainer or heavy handed approach should be avoided as it is not productive
• Physical mastery is generally less important than sensitive and positive methods
• Patience is a must when training the DDB
• Discipline should be firm and consistent without being overly rough
• DDB ownership is not for the timid or the very busy person
• DDB require exercise every day to maintain mental and physical health – 10-20 minute walk two times a day is adequate
• A yard is essential for a puppy or young dog – helps prevent boredom and ensuing destructive behavior
• YES, DDB drool – not quite as badly as seen in “Turner and Hooch” but if neatness and cleanliness are high priorities in a breed and to your home, the DDB probably isn’t the right breed for you
• Drooling is worse when eating and drinking or when the dog is hot
• DDB do shed but, as a short-coated breed, it can be kept to a minimum with proper brushing and diet
• DDB do not tend to bark without reason or cause
• DDB will often bark at the arrival of people on the property or at animals and birds in the yard
• DDB are noisy when sleeping and eating – snores and grunts will often be heard
• The DDB faces many significant health issues that require commitment from their owners
• Heart disease, cancer, orthopedic issues (such as hips and elbows), and epilepsy are all issues of risk for the DDB
• DDB often suffer from food and environmental allergies that require specific diets and attention
• As adults typically reach well over 100 lbs., food costs can be significant – an adult male can eat a 50lb. bag of food per month
• Prevention and treatment of health issues can be costly – many dogs require supplements and/or medications